Corn and other crops are not adapted to benefit from elevated carbon dioxide levels
A new review from the University of Illinois shows that C4 crops—crops that usually photosynthesize more efficiently than the less efficient C3 crop—cannot benefit from increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Undergrad-led study suggests light environment modifications could maximize productivity
A new study looks into the cause of a maladaptation in C4 crops and found that altered light conditions, not leaf age, were their Achilles’ Heel.

Progress in developing water-efficient crops showcased at 2019 ARPA-E Innovation Summit
Progress to develop water-efficient bioenergy crops showcased at the 2019 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit in Denver.

ARPA-E showcases advances in bioenergy production, drought tolerance
Water Efficient Sorghum Technologies (WEST) will showcase new advances that dramatically reduce water requirements for crops, while also increasing productivity, at the annual Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Energy (ARPA-E) Innovation Summit to be held March 13-15, 2018, near Washington, D.C.

WEST awarded $5M to increase water use efficiency in bioenergy sorghum
The University of Illinois has been awarded a 3-year, $5 million grant from the DOE Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy as part of its OPEN 2015 funding initiative (ARPA-E OPEN).